Thursday, September 30, 2010

So, I guess I've just been in this sort of funk lately. I can't decide the source of my sadness. I really think it's just a mixture of things going around in my brain and feelings that I'm having inside. I think this is the opportune time to be creative. I posted two new videos to my youtube account a couple of nights ago. They are two different versions of the same song and, I've just been looking for people's input as to which one they like better. I don't have super awesome equipment so I just use my little digital camera to record myself. I thought I would do two variations and see what hits home with folks the most. You can check out the videos here. Just leave a comment on the video you like best. The two to choose from are the most recent videos I have posted.

Also, something exciting for me happened on Friday, September 24th. An artist I admire greatly came through the Charlotte area and I got to meet him and chat for a while. His name is Matthew Santos and he's really quite a dear. Saying that, I know all of these musicians and artists that we love are really just people, like the rest of us. However, I get excited very easily. If there is a chance that can speak with anyone who loves music and is just as passionate about it as I am I get little butterflies. Why? I would say firstly because, I don't know if I'll ever get to talk to that person again. Secondly, music just really gets me that pumped! I really wish everyone could feel a deep connection to music but, not all of us do. I think it is the equivalent of a drug to me. It is my addiction. Something I can't live without. So with all of that said, after I managed to calm down a little but (no I wasn't crying or acting like a complete fool...not more than usual anyhow) I was able to have excellent discourse with a musician I love, and a person who loves music just as much as I do. This man really cares about the people that come out to see him, and he intently listens to what they have to say. Even if it is "Like totally, OMG, I came out to see Trevor but you totally blew me away! Great stuff!" I think the night I saw him he was able to recruit a number of fans. What impresses me more is the fact that he has stuck to what is true to his heart and hasn't sold himself to a major record label, compromising his style just for the money. For great artists it really isn't about the money. I love this. I mean, trust me, everyone is trying to make money, but if you hate every minute of it and lose a part of yourself, what's the point? On that note, Please do read his blog. You can find out more about his brush with fame and what is going on in his world. It is well worth the read and, as of now, he only has two entires so you can get caught up to date and continue to follow him. He is very well written. Much more than I'll ever be, so it is quite enjoyable to sit down for 15 minutes or so just to find out what's going on in his life. To close I will share a photo of myself with Matthew when we met. I look awful in it...oh well. (Side note: I was able to give him some of my music to listen to. I hope he likes it. haha!)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hello all! I posted two new videos today. They are two different versions of a song by Leonard Cohen called "Famous Blue Raincoat." Please comment on the one you like best! Thanks friends!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's been far too long since I've made a post on here. I'm not even really sure why I'm making one now. There's not a lot to say. I don't think anyone will read this either, so I think I may as well be writing in a diary. Do you ever feel really alone? Do you ever question why you even exist? I often do. This is one of those times. I guess I just feel really lost. I'm not really sure what my plan is. I've kind of always been this way about my life. Maybe I'm waiting for someone to point me in the right direction? I'm not really sure. I wish I had a clue. I don't know if I've ever felt quite sure about anything really. Why is that? What is there to be sure of? There is too much spinning in my head right now...maybe I'll have something more coherent to add later.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Purchase my album through itunes, Amazon, or CDbaby and email me your receipt! I will then email you back a version of Got Me Wrong by Alice in Chains that my brother and I recorded. Please forward your receipt to



CD Baby

While you're at it, check out my review here!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Purchase my album through itunes, Amazon, or CDbaby and email me your receipt! I will then email you back a version of Got Me Wrong by Alice in Chains that my brother and I recorded. Please forward your receipt to



CD Baby

While you're at it, check out my review here!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Check it out! I landed a review! WOOHOO!!
It's been too long! I'm excited to say that my music video shoot is complete! Now we are just waiting for editing and such to be completed. That is the most exciting news I have so far. Do continue to check back and tell your friends to follow my blog and find me on facebook and such. I hope everyone is well. :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010 I posted this karaoke video a long time ago on myspace. No one has looked at it so I am going to post it on here. :D Enjoy! (It's crappy)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So I am almost done with my summer class. YAY!! It is highly interesting. I've enjoyed it very much so far. I am sure I mentioned this before but it is call Religion and American Culture. I have really learned a lot about the evolution of religion as well as about specific religions that I didn't really know much about. For instance, I REALLY didn't know much about Judaism. I highly recommend people learning about different religions. It's highly enlightening.

ALSO more good news about my muuusic!! My friend Erik Button is going to film a music video for me. It will be for the song "The Practice." Keep your eyes peeled for this special treat! I'll keep you up to date on this little project and I will share it with you as soon as it is complete! yay!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A new month

Hmmm....It's June 1st. Not a lot to talk about today. I got my sewing book in the mail. It looks like it might be a bit over my head. I think I'll set aside a weekend and a lot of patience for it at some point. It will be fun once I get the hang of it all.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I started my one and only summer class this week and, I like it so far. Religion and American Culture. It is being taught as a history class (as opposed sociology or something of that nature) and it is and is going to be highly interesting. We only have seven assignments due the entire semester and they are all done in class. The only thing we have to do outside of class is read. WOOHOO!! I can do that. However, I also got a job helping out a local CPA and it gave me kind of a headache today. But I am getting the hang of everything as it's being thrown at me. I believe I might even be enjoying myself....weird. It's nice to have the extra cash flow though. YAY!! I think I'll go to bed now though. I am soooo tired.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I am SOOOO excited. I just ordered a book called Make Your Own Clothes. It is for beginner sewers and it teaches you how to make articles of clothing as well as tailoring techniques. The coolest part? It comes with a program you load onto your computer where you can then type in your measurements and print out custom patterns! How awesome!! YAY!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Okay so, wish me luck everyone! I just sent my album into for review. The worst case scenario? It doesn't get reviewed and I'm out five or so bucks. Best case, it gets reviewed and my music gets out there! I will keep you all up to date.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I went for a run today at Latta Plantation. It was kind of wet so I slipped right when I started running on the trail...but I kept going! Then I went to the gym and continued to work out there. Now I feel a bit better today. I need to keep this up. Seriously. It will keep me from going completely insane.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Went and saw/heard an orchestral representation of Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs, with narration. This was such a beautiful, wonderful, and compelling performance! I enjoyed it so much. If you ever hear word of it playing anywhere you must see it!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Yesterday my husband and I went out to the Cowan's Ford Nature Refuge and had a picnic. On the way back there is a house that has peacocks. One was really close to the road so I took a picture of him. Really beautiful!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

WHEEW! I finished my last final exam today. I am done with spring semester 2010!! One more year to go!!!! Now I will check online every five seconds to see if my grades have been posted. I already have one A....I hope I get a few more...and I think I might get a couple of B's. We'll see! I hope to post something interesting tomorrow. :D

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So, I was driving around trying to think of something to do and then, I remembered; there is a road that I often drive by (nearly everyday) and there is a sign for a nature preserve/ I decided to go exploring. I turned down the road to find an awesome curvy drive ensconced in trees and beauty. Enjoy the pictures and video! The last one is of me singing a song by Tori Amos called, Wampum Prayer.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Wow. I am so tired. I had my linguistics exam today and for some reason that made me really tired. A tidbit of info I forgot to put in my last blog, though, is the fact that my brother, Levi, and I recorded a cover song this weekend! When he gets it all finished I can't wait to share it with you all! Check out his music at He's good!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hey everyone! I just got home from visiting my mom and my mom-in-law for mothers' day! It was a nice weekend but, my husband had several bad allergy attacks. Now I am about to eat dinner and get ready for an exam tomorrow. I am sooooo tired! Wish me luck though! I hope everyone has a good week, and you all had a nice relaxing weekend.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hello all! This is the new blog for my new site! My Friend Ashley Bailey created the site and blog for me and I think she did a most excellent job. Please come check it out and be sure to check back for updates. For now look at this recent video of me singing a little ditty in my house. My cat comes in for a close up. HA HA!

Cammie Ward – Singer, Songwriter

Cammie Ward is a singer-songwriter living in the Charlotte, North Carolina area. Her music is deep, evocative, and piano based with haunting alto-ranged vocals. Cammie first gained her interest in the piano at the age of seven. No, she was not one of those child prodigies, she just really loved music! She started writing her own songs in early high school around the age of fourteen. The subject matter of her music is known to involve concepts of unrequited love as well as self reflection. The overall mood is anywhere from ambient to dark and is meant to move one emotionally whether they pay attention to the overall message or not.

Cammie got into music merely due to her interest in it and its ability to move one’s emotions as well as help one to release their emotions. Her music stands apart from others because it is truly what comes from her heart. She isn’t trying to make a ton of money or write the next catchy pop song. On the contrary she is interested in reaching people who can relate and can get something from listening to her songs.

Cammie normally fleshes out her compositions first by creating a chord progression along with a melody. The lyrics are normally secondary in the process. Then she will normally record a bare bones version of the song. After that it reaches “Bongo” John’s studio where more layers are added to fully complete the piece. Cammie is new to the live music scene but has had a couple of successful shows at the Corkscrew in Birkdale Village located in Huntersville, North Carolina.